Climate Change

Recent stories about climate change

Smoky skies in downtown Edmonton.
health climate change

Is your neighbourhood vulnerable to climate change? New research provides answers

University of Alberta researchers have used public data to create a set of maps that illustrate the Edmonton neighbourhoods where residents are most vulnerable to negative health outcomes caused by climate change.

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A person with blonde hair and black glasses gives two thumbs-up while standing before a domed pavilion lit with bright purples and blues.
region climate change

COP28 experience sees advocate push for curriculum change

Grade 11 Sherwood Park student Shelby Hartman says that while climate change is top of mind for her generation, there remains a knowledge gap between advocates and the general population that prevents faster change.

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A group of eight people pose inside a building to the right of the Albertan flag.
business technology

Platform aims to help builders reduce emissions

The Alberta Ecotrust Foundation launched the Emissions-Neutral Building Information Exchange platform (ENBIX) to help the province's construction industry learn how to create emissions-neutral buildings or retrofit existing ones to this standard.

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A home undergoing a net-zero retrofit, showing the installation of external insulation
city council podcast

Podcast gives plaudits to net-zero audits

Episode 209 of Speaking Municipally was perhaps uncharacteristically positive about some recent civic developments involving climate action and reimagining the Whyte Avenue area.

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Gleise M. Silva and Isha Datar interact on stage while Alison Sunstrum looks on
food agriculture

Panel explores what fair and sustainable future of food will need

At the conclusion of the Chancellor's Forum on Food for the Future, Sen. Paula Simons asked the assembled experts what they imagine we'll be eating in 50 years. Their answers reflected the diversity of their experiences as well as a common desire for equity and environmental sustainability.

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A canopy of green leaves as seen from beneath a tree
trees climate change

For Edmonton, a sustainable future depends on trees

Even though a council committee has put off passing a bylaw to protect trees on private property, the Tomorrow Foundation for a Sustainable Future is encouraged to see progress on a file that is vital to the city's ability to lessen and mitigate the effects of climate change.

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A line graph showing Edmonton's historical per capita emissions and the required trajectory to stay within the carbon budget, which involves a steep decline from 17.99 tonnes/person in 2022 to 3.2 in 2030
city council podcast

Collision of financial budget and carbon budget approaches

Edmonton is blazing a trail when it comes to incorporating a carbon budget into its decision-making, but a lot of things still have to be figured out when it comes to applying the concept during this year's crucial budget deliberations.

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Council chambers inside City Hall
city council homelessness

Coming up at council: June 13-17, 2022

City council will continue with its agenda from last week — including the recommendation for a one-year pilot for the pedestrianization of 102 Avenue — before moving on to committee meetings. Community and public services committee is scheduled for Monday, urban planning committee for Tuesday, executive committee for Wednesday, and audit committee for Friday.

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Two years ago, Edmonton declared a climate emergency and voted that city administration regularly update city council on its progress towards becoming carbon neutral by 2050.
city council climate change

Countdown to 2050: Explaining Edmonton's carbon budget

The devastating effects of climate change have become more clear than ever over the past few years, urging Edmonton and other cities around the world to aggressively curb their carbon emissions. In April 2021, city council approved a plan with an ambitious idea — what if Edmonton budgeted for carbon emissions the same way it handles its money?

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